Country paper Serbia – Serbian civil society involvement in development cooperation

The  paper  aims  to  provide  an  overview  of  Serbian civil  society  involvement  in  development  cooperation, as   well   as   development   education   and   awareness raising.  As  Serbia  started  the  European  Union  (EU) accession  negotiations  in  January  2014,  it  is  expected to fully align  its  legislation  with  the  EU  body  of  laws, also  called  the acquis  communautaire.  Chapter  30  of the   EU acquis deals   with   external   relations   and includes  legislation  with  regards  to  the  provision  of development   and   humanitarian   aid   to   developing countries. During  the EU  accession process,  Serbia will also  go  from  being a  recipient  of Official Development Assistance (ODA) to becoming a donor country. The  paper  also  assesses  the  extent  to  which  steps have been taken by the government of Serbia to set up an institutional and policy framework for the provision of  development  assistance  to  developing  countries.  At the  same  time,  the  involvement  of  civil  society  in international   cooperation   is   presented.   Finally,   the most active and relevant civil society actors working in this domain are mapped in the paper.

This publication is part of the project “Western Balkan CSOs for Global Development” financed by the Austrian Development and HORIZONT3000 through its partner organisations.

This paper has been initially published in 2014 by the TRIALOG project, authored by Oana Raluca Badan. In 2017 it has been updated and complemented by Djurdja Dukic (Civic Initiatives) and Goran Mitrovic (Association People’s Parliament).

Country paper Serbia